Virtual Social Justice Series
Event Details

Wed, Mar 1st

7pm - 8pm

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“We all have the ability to participate in this great love story. Imagine the stories we will tell, the institutions we will build, and the lives we will lead when we affirm that every person is a person. Imagine the world we will birth when we see no stranger.” - “See No Stranger” by Valerie Kaur, p. 299 This 11-week series, designed by the Revolutionary Love Project, aims to help us connect with the stories of the vulnerable among us, consider how our experience of life intersects with the experience of others, and live into loving engagement surrounding issues of social justice. Throughout our time together, we’ll examine a variety of topics: racism, ableism, hate crimes, and more. Each week will include resources that will offer us food for thought, discussion, and time for personal reflection. Note: Want to get started now? We invite you to pick up a copy of Valerie Kaur’s “See No Stranger.” Though this book is not required to participate, it’s highly recommended.
Event Details

Wed, Mar 1st

7pm - 8pm

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