Spiritual Guidance Masterminds

A Spiritual Guidance Mastermind is a small group of people (5-8) who come together for intentional support to brainstorm ideas, develop materials, troubleshoot, share knowledge and find encouragement. It is designed to be heart centered/ Spirit led while also talking about the practicalities of a flourishing practice.   

The format includes a brief focus piece related to our spiritual guidance practice, 15 -20 min wisdom seats (aka hot seats) for individuals to talk about a specific area, peer support and take away action items. 

Secondary Title

Upcoming Sessions

Winter Group Tuesdays

Every other Tuesday

January 7- March 18 2025

6 Sessions

1:30-2:30 CST

Winter Group   


Every other Wednesday 

January 8 - March 19, 2025

6 Sessions

10-11 CST

Winter Group  Wednesdays

Every other Wednesday

January 8 - March 19, 2025

6 Sessions

4:30-5:30 CST


Contact christina@foundrysc.com

for registration and additional information.